Frequently Asked Questions

Will you review my/our _____?

Short answer is most likely.

However, one should keep in mind the following things:

  • I’m not an expert survivalist, hunter, nor firearms handler. As such, expect my reviews to contain simple opinions and maybe a little redneck science.
  • My reviews will be my honest opinions. I will state what I like and what I don’t like about the product (or service) clearly and will make recommendations accordingly.

If you are good with that arrangement and are willing to supply the item you want me to review, then head over to the Contact Uncle Zo page and fill it out. Tell me a bit about what you want me to review and how to get a hold of you. I read every single message that comes through and do my best to respond promptly to work out the details.

Will you write about _____?

Short answer is most likely. Unless, it’s something I’ve previously written about or something I have zero interest in.

Take a moment to use the search function on this blog and see if I’ve previously written about the topic you’re interested in. If nothing comes up or I haven’t covered an aspect of the topic you want to hear my opinion on, then you have a few options:

  1. Send me a note on of the social media platforms I’m on: Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Chances are you may get a quick short response that I may follow up with a detailed blog post.
  2. Head over to the Contact Uncle Zo page and fill it out. Let me know what you want my opinion on and I’ll put it on my to do list (or respond to a link where my opinion is already available).

Please be patient for me to publish a blog post response. It can take a while to gather my thoughts, do some research and put together what I consider to be a response worth reading.

I encourage folks to request my opinions on things. This helps me out a bunch when I’m attempting to conjure topics to write about.