Miscellaneous News

Introducing UncleZo.deals

I've been working on a better way to share deals with all y'all and it is now available. Read more about and when you get a chance go checkout UncleZo.deals. Your feedback is hereby officially requested.

A lot of folks have been asking where I’ve been lately. I’ve been here, but haven’t been very active on social media as I’ve been busy working on a side project that I am excited to introduce to y’all – UncleZo.deals

As most of you know, I usually share one or two deals on Twitter every few days. I do this for a couple of reasons. First off, some of those deals generate a little income which helps keep this blog up and running (maybe someday in the future it will also help feed my firearms habit). It also helps put gear in y’all’s hands at what I think is a fair price. It’s a win-win, but not without some problems.

One problem, or rather limitation, is that y’all don’t always see those posts. That’s either because y’all weren’t on Twitter at the time the deal was posted or reshared by mutual followers. Some of y’all aren’t on Twitter period. Another reason y’all might not see them maybe because of some algorithmic deboosting or shadow banning. I’m not sold that this is actually a problem, but some of y’all have informed me that y’all suspect this is happening to my Twitter account.

Another problem is that sometimes other folks find that same product at a lower price from another retailer or dealer. As much as I’d like to earn a little scratch from those affiliate sales, I’d rather y’all save more money. This problem is easily resolved by using deal sites such Gun.Deals or AmmoSeek, but I don’t always get around to checking those sites before I post the deals. Also sometimes the deal listing doesn’t exactly match the exact product I’m looking to share with y’all. 

With those things in mind I decided to build my own solution to the problem, which has given birth to UncleZo.deals. The solution is still in its infancy and it will take sometime to realize my vision for it, but it’s far along enough to share with y’all. 

At this point in time, the site simply lists the most current published deals. Search isn’t easy and there isn’t much in the way of navigation, but that will follow soon enough. 

The site also allows all of y’all to “inspect a deal”. What that means is that you can supply a deal link and the site will look to see if I know of a better deal for that particular product you are looking for. If the site doesn’t know anything about the link you posted, then it will allow you to submit the deal so that it may be shared with others. All of this can be done anonymously. 

The last thing that it does is it allows me to learn about which products the collective “y’all” are eyeballing which allows me to better plan which products I might want to get my hands on and review. 

I like where the UncleZo.deals site is heading and think it will be pretty cool. I hope y’all will feel the same way. If you have any questions, comments, or compliments, then please get them to me. I’m eagerly awaiting feedback from y’all. Y’all know how to get a hold of me.

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